Thursday, August 26, 2010

No Lead in Bullets

Here they go again--the big-government, power-hungry, all-powerful, enviro-nazi progressives who are running this country are giving us another Nudge, this time to circumvent the Second Amendment.

The anti-hunting crowd (like Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein) has a petition circulating looking to ban lead from ammunition and fishing sinkers. Hey, if air is hazardous to our health, then the lead in bullets must be wreaking havoc on the environment!

Interestingly, they used this picture of a dead Bald Eagle on the cover of their petition. It's my opinion that this beautiful bird died of a heart attack when he learned what these people are doing to America!


  1. NOTHING to do with environment... just another angle on reducing the ammo suppy, imo

    Barry still planning that civilian troop corps outside the military chain of command... and answerable directly to the White House?

    Come and Take It, boys and girls...

  2. "Barry still planning that civilian troop corps outside the military chain of command... and answerable directly to the White House?"

    I hadn't thought about that, RR.

    Since cities are cutting police and telling residents that they will not respond to burglary calls, your gun may be the only thing left between you and the bad guys. Of course, Barry will probably site that as the reason we need his civilian corps.

  3. Lead ammunition is cheep and effective, this is why they hate it. They also want to diminish the ability of private citizens to reload their own ammo.

  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again: They can have my lead shells when they pry them from my cold dead hands.

    Also, if lead bullets are so harmful to the environment, is Obama prepared to confiscate all the re-loaders out there?

  5. Well, isn't that convenient... "Since cities are cutting police..." If local cities and municipalities no longer have home-grown local law enforcement then guess who gets to come in to your town? Obama's new civilian force maybe? The feds? The new IRS enforcement officials that come with our bright and shiny new healthcare bill? Sounds pretty convenient to me...

  6. I agree with the idea that it just to make it more difficult to get ammo. That way, the gubbmint can say that they haven't banned it, but if you can't get it, the result is the same.

  7. There's still a lot of wheel weights out there folks, although I hear they're changing the make-up of them too. Copper works well as a projectile, and anyone with access to a lathe can produce what's needed.

  8. I remember reading something where a gun owner said he's be happy to give them his ammo. One bullet at a time.

  9. This is another step towards taking away our guns.

    I love all the comments, and yours was so great, Kristin,
    "this beautiful bird died of a heart attack when he learned what these people are doing to America!" Indeed.

    Opie, Good one! ;-)

  10. so when I get my Birthday gun, what do I look for with "promise" of future reloadability?

  11. A step toward banning ammo completely. I agree, that poor Eagle died of a broken heart.

  12. "enviro-nazi progressives" is a proper term for those who also poison us by forcing us to drink fluoride in our water. When the fluoride arrives for the dumping process, it comes in a container with the skull and bones warning!
