Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Obama is an iPod user

None of which I know how to use, eh? Is it really necessary to lie in a commencement address? Oh, that's right, the whole administration is one big lie.


  1. on the positive side, perhaps the younger listeners will see him as outmoded, due to his ipod lie?

  2. ...and who owns "his" ipod anyway? If a corporation has legal right to monitor an employee's use of corporation equipment, do taxpayers have legal right to monitor use of "our" equipment as well? can our "representatives" always be exempt from the laws that the rest of us live by? watch me shake my head in disgust.

  3. I did a google search for "Obama, Lies, and Ipod" and happened accross your blog. THANK YOU for saying what we (on the right side of politics) are thinking. Your voice is like fox news without the filter, dont get me wrong I LOVE fox news but since it is on TV I assume there is some sort of liberal bias at some level. Any whoooo.... keep'em coming and I will keep reading them.

  4. I'm glad you found my blog! I plan to keep writing as long as I'm allowed. Thank you for reading.
