Here they go again--the big-government, power-hungry, all-powerful, enviro-nazi progressives who are running this country are giving us another Nudge, this time to circumvent the Second Amendment.
The anti-hunting crowd (like Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein) has a petition circulating looking to ban lead from ammunition and fishing sinkers. Hey, if air is hazardous to our health, then the lead in bullets must be wreaking havoc on the environment!
Interestingly, they used this picture of a dead Bald Eagle on the cover of their petition. It's my opinion that this beautiful bird died of a heart attack when he learned what these people are doing to America!
They want to kill us. They want to destroy Israel.
There are radicalized Muslims in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan--we'll just say most of the Middle East and much of the world--who are waging jihad on the Great Satan and the Little Satan, Israel and the leadership in America is bending over backwards to show how tolerant we are.
Our Muslim (sympathizing or just plain Muslim? --you decide) president....
....seems to think that going to Egypt apologizing for our existence, comparing the holocaust to "dislocation" of the Palestinians in Gaza, using NASA for Muslim Outreach, and bowing to the Saudi King, is going to make these radicals change their minds and all of a sudden love America--the Messiah is president after all.
Newsflash, leaders in the Muslim world see all this apology and tolerance as a sign of weakness and they are waging an all-out assault on our way of life. Beginning with this mosque at ground zero. While his wife Daisy is calling the treatment of Muslims in America "metastasized anti-Semitism", her husband Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is touring the Middle East on our dime.
It is past time for American's to wake up and realize that we are "tolerating" ourselves out of existence. Earlier this year, Christians in Dearborn, MI were arrested simply for being Christian at an Islamic festival. Many of these people aim to bring Sharia Law to America. I wonder how Rosie O'Donnell and her ilk will like life then? The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.
Then there is Israel, caught between a rock and a hard place. Iran is fueling their first nuclear reactor. Is Israel supposed to stand by and be tolerant as extremists try to bomb her off the face of the earth? The Obama regime seems to think so.
But what else would we expect? Our Muslim-sympathizing wannbe dictator has been snubbing our (former?) ally since he took office. Obama snubbed Netanyahu during his visit to the White House, he asked Netanyahu not to come after the first flotilla, then the "Messiah" called the flotilla raid tragic and asked for a probe! Little wonder Obama would side with the flotilla people on this one (and the next one); his friends are the ones behind the flotillas!!!
Friends, freedom of religion does not mean freedom for some and not others. It does not mean freedom for Muslims at the expense of Christians. It is controversial to say this, but our Founders saw freedom of religion as the right to practice whichever form of Christianity one chose.
On that note, I will leave you with Thomas Jefferson's favorite psalm:
Psalm 15 A psalm of David.
1 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill?
2 He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart
3 and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman,
4 who despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD, who keeps his oath even when it hurts,
5 who lends his money without usury and does not accept a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things will never be shaken.
I was especially curious about the line "who despises a vile man"--since I see many vile men in power today--and researched it further.
I found this explanation: [C]oncerning what a blameless man honors, the Lord says: he "despises a vile man but honors those who fear the LORD." To "despise a vile man" may seem easy at first sight, but many of us are guilty of honoring "vile" men. The Lord is speaking of those who are "vile" in His eyes, not our own. There are many who are wealthy yet vile, high-ranking yet vile, intelligent yet vile, beautiful yet vile, that are honored much by the world.
Yet another reason I homeschool. The Georgia Association of Educators endorsed Roy Barnes for governor. Not just that--every single candidate they endorsed is a democrat!
Governor – Roy Barnes
Interesting since the teachers were so angry with Barnes' plans to revamp the school system in his first term as governor that they are partially blamed for Barnes' loss to Sonny Purdue (R) in 2002.
Lt. Governor – Carol Porter
Ms. Porter's husband was running for governor. Wouldn't that have been cozy? Beyond co-owning a newspaper and raising four sons, I could find very little about her. She did blame the Republicans for not collecting enough sales taxes.
State Superintendent of Schools – Joe Martin
This guy appears to want to throw more money at the public schools and hope something sticks.
Secretary of State – Georganna Sinkfield
From her voting history from her time in the GA Assembly, it looks to me like she sides with Environmentalists, and liberals and against conservative issues, gun rights issues and business.
Labor Commissioner – Darryl Hicks
When other people seem to be running from Green Jobs, Mr. Hicks is proudly displaying his support of this job-killing scheme.
Attorney General – Ken Hodges
According to some in his hometown, this guy seems to think he and his cronies are above the law.
You can't tell me that--with the GAE's universal support of democrat candidates and policies--our children are not being subjected to their leftist agenda in the public schools. Georgia is for the most part a conservative state with very Christian beliefs. It boggles the mind that our "educators" are so out of touch with the people of the state.
A little update on the GA gubernatorial race. Back in July, Sarah Palin endorsed Karen Handel in the primary. Her endorsement, which I still believe was largely based on Handel's gender, knocked front-runner Oxendine out of the race and resulted in a runoff between Karen Handel and Nathan Deal.
The run-off was very close and Handel ended up conceding to Deal. Here's the fun part. Now it seems that the White House is going after Deal.
Q: In the Georgia Republican gubernatorial primary, the winner in that race, Representative Deal, has actually dabbled in birther conspiracies. I don’t know if he is an avowed birther, but he certainly has pushed the notion that the President wasn’t born in this country. And I’m wondering if you — upon reflection, what do you think of the fact that the Republican Party has put forth someone to run a state who doesn’t believe in the President’s birthplace?
MR. GIBBS: Well, I think if you look at what Nathan Deal is probably going to have to explain over the course of this primary, that might be some of the least of his concerns — in terms of some ethics investigations that are currently ongoing. I think having — the last I checked, the results in that race were within a few thousand votes, which means even as you’re hoping to find a nominee, you have a very divided party, with somebody in Roy Barnes who has a track record that Georgians can be proud of.
Q: Handel conceded.
MR. GIBBS: But you still have a very splintered party. Again, I think you are hard-pressed to see, whether it is gubernatorial races in Georgia, Connecticut, Denver — I’m sorry, Colorado — and Senate races in Connecticut and Colorado, where Democrats didn’t have an extraordinarily good night and are faced with I think, quite frankly, candidates that are largely out of step with the states and areas that they wish to ultimately represent.
The first day went great! The boys got a little restless in the third hour, but settled down when I told them that I would happily keep teaching until 3 o'clock--when 1st grade lets out in public school. That settled them down.
We got our core curriculum done in just under 3 hours then spent the afternoon playing with the birds, reading Dr. Doolittle and practicing our handwriting on the new dry-erase mats Grandma brought by (I'll spare you the details on the laundry, gardening and cleaning the cat box).
Another couple days like this and I will be able to reclaim my part in saving the Republic from Tyranny.
I am sick to death of the First Family jetting around the world at the taxpayers expense. When the wannabe dictator isn't living it up on my dime, he's chilling on the golf course-- or doing both at the same time!
This week, Queen Michelle and one of the first daughters packed their Louis Vuitton and set off to Coastal Spain for some some five-star fun with 40 of her closest friends and photos with Spain's royal family. The cost of Air Force Two alone is estimated at almost $150,000! Add in the cost of the Ritz ($500-2500/night), secret service detail, meals and other expenses and there's no telling what this little trip cost Joe Average. At the same time, Princess Pelosi is calling congress back to Washington for an emergency, multi-billion dollar bailout for teachers (*cough* teachers unions?) I wonder just how many teachers could be employed by the cost of this trip alone. But this isn't even the tip of the iceberg!
Queen Michelle dipped her toes in the surf in Panama City Beach, FL last month, and apparently liked it so much that the first family is going there again on August 14-15. Do us a favor and leave the Redneck Riviera alone.
July 16, 2010, the First Family needed a break from the Washington heat so took a jaunt up to the coast of Maine. You wouldn't really expect them to ride on the same plane as a dog, would you? Good, because the first pooch got his own ride.
In June, Queen Michelle and the First Daughters hit the left coast! After some time at Camp Pendleton, they visited Lucques for a sustainable dining experience. Then the American Royal Family (including Grandma) checked out the 6th game of the NBA finals. What did those tickets set us back?
For Memorial Day, the Wannabe skipped out on tradition, deciding instead to head home to Chicago for the weekend. Perhaps he needed to meet with Ayers or burn a few skeletons in the closet. Either way, his trip was rained out and he was heckled on a bus. (Oops, looks like that video was scrubbed, wouldn't want to tarnish his image). Bummer, Obummer, looks like the trip wasn't all you'd hoped for.
Michelle, Grandma and the girls jetted off to NYC for spring break(March '10). Living it up in the Big Apple they hit Broadway, visited the Statue of Liberty (wonder if they spat on it), and toured the Empire State Building.
I'm not much for the cold and apparently neither are the Obamas; they decided to spendChristmas '09 in Hawaii. Nothing like sandy beaches and tropical waters to energize a person to destroy, I mean transform a country.
Before this, in December '09 the Wannabe hit Copenhagen (again) for a climate change conference.
The first trip to Copenhagen in October '09 was meant to bring the Olympics to Chicago. The mission was an utter failure, but cost the taxpayers an estimated $10 million.
And don't forget that $250k NYC date night the King and Queen had in May '09.
That is 11 vacations in just over a year! I'm not even counting all of Obama's official trips which amount to little more than a continuation of his campaign.
While the rest of us have tightened our belts and are praying to keep our jobs, the President and his wife are living it up like royalty. Obama, do like the rest of us and STAY HOME, we're tired of footing your bills!
Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX) and his staff have compiled a review and a flow chart of the law. It's actually worse than we thought. Brady's team admits that they could not fit the whole thing on one chart--this represents only about a third of the complexity.
According to their findings, the law includes:
$569 billion in higher taxes
$529 billion in cuts to Medicare
swelling of the ranks of Medicaid by 16 million
17 major insurance mandates
the creation of two new bureaucracies with powers to impose future rationing: the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute and the Independent Payments Advisory Board
Don't even get me started on Donald Berwick, Obama's recess appointment as the new head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This guy admits that Government health care is a redistribution of wealth and is in love with the British system--the British system that is failing and is going to be cut drastically this year.
Nancy Pelosi said congress would have to pass the law so we could find out what's in it. The more we find, the more it stinks.
Can you say Big Brother? A Long Island town is using Google Earth to locate unpermitted pool and throw hefty fines at the property owners. According to this article they have found approx 250 pools and collected about $75K in fines.
Revenues are down so these government busybodies find new and creative ways to stick it to the people. I am reminded of the police our town has park under every bridge on a little-traveled freeway, running their A/C on 101 degree days, attempting to collect from anyone who pushes the speed limit. Crime is up, we have a rapist on the loose and a gang of smash-and-grabbers who are taking on car windows in the broad daylight---but where's the revenue in catching them?
I digress. I've found Google Earth a little spooky since I first played with it and looked up a friend's apartment Serbia. Now it is being used to invade what little bits of privacy we may still have. It was only a matter of time before the government found a way to use it to their advantage (in the private sector, we would call someone a crook for using Google Earth to extract money from others).
I imagine it won't be long before Google Earth is used to find unpermitted additions, non-ecofriendly landscaping, windows that don't meet energy standards, etc.
We got a HUGE egg this morning. This picture doesn't even do it justice. That's the last of the large supermarket eggs next to it. I wonder how many yolks it will have....poor chicken.
I would love to hear from you! Please send me post ideas, pictures and comments or anything else that's on your mind (just be polite).
Frizz the Attack Chicken Says:
"Where's Barry? Lemme at him."
God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed our only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God. --Thomas Jefferson
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